If you don’t want to get useful agile tips and recommendations from Henrik Kniberg who authored Scrum and XP from the trenches, stay home.
If you are afraid of being exposed to bleeding edge thinking on management and leadership by Jurgen Appello author of Management 3.0, stay home
If you like being in the dark, don’t come to hear Karl Scotland shed new light on Visibility
If you prefer questions to answers, don’t come to the Agile Clinic and Ask the Expert sessions/panels.
If you are a Not Invented Here fanatic, start your agile journey without hearing in customer case studies what Israeli companies learned along the way.
If you prefer boring lectures that allow you to catch up on sleep and crackberry find other conferences to attend. We aim to deliver interesting lectures that will make you think, interact, and actually stay awake.
If your doctor told you to avoid excitement on April 11 2011, don’t come to the conference, as we can Promise lots of fun and excitement.
If you don’t want to meet the growing Agile community in Israel, get acquainted to practitioners from companies that face similar challenges and connect to them – don’t bother showing up.
If you don’t want to hear from thought leaders about advanced techniques that will allow you to take your Agile implementation to the next level – don’t waste your time.
If you are worried that since there are several highly interesting lectures in parallel you will not be able to choose which to attend and as a result develop a headache – just don’t come.
If none of those reasons convince you not to come, join us at Agile Israel 2011 on April 11 2011 in Avenue Event Center, Airport City, Israel.