Organizational Traction w/ an OKRs Kanban

What gets measured gets managed. But setting OKRs isn’t enough. The flow and traction of OKRs need to be managed as well – otherwise, you’ll find yourself in the OKR swamp.

Using an OKR Kanban can help you both see the swamp and improve the flow and traction of OKRs.

Here’s an example –

Here are some of my favorite patterns for managing OKR flow using Kanban:

  • Use One OKR Kanban board. It’s okay and preferable to see OKRs from multiple departments/teams/groups on the same board. It reinforces the transparency and alignment as well as interesting conversations about misalignment.
  • Use an OKR workflow for considering/exploring possible objectives/bets, planning/committing, actual experimentation/execution towards outcomes, and reflection/adaptation. This will help reinforce a product-oriented mindset – for both product and business OKRs!
  • Consider a workflow that helps you identify struggling OKRs to focus on – e.g., a Red/Yellow/Green – and make sure to start Red and expect OKRs to “Earn” their movement to Yellow/Green based on actual evidence. (This is a poor man’s Work Item Aging approach)
  • Limit the number of OKRs in progress and consideration – Focus drives traction.
  • Visualize who’s involved in which OKR, as well as the level of coupling/integration.
  • Decide whether to visualize KRs independently – this can provide interesting insights but can also hurt transparency if there’s too much information.
  • If your board is too busy – that says something!
  • Use your OKRs Kanban when checking your OKRs and considering any new OKRs or other significant work. It can help facilitate healthy conversations.

How are YOU managing your OKRs? Do you have any favorite patterns for seeing and improving OKR flow?

Looking for ways to improve flow and traction on your company’s strategic initiatives?

The Organizational Traction Trail Map is a practical, no-fluff email course designed to help leaders of scale-up and midsized organizations break free from scattered priorities and bring organizational flow, focus, and clarity.

Mastering Organizational Traction Trail Map

Do you feel like instead of moving faster, Scaling up has made you slower?

​​I’ve been helping leaders of BioTech, Consumer Goods, FinTech, Pharma and Cyber Scaleups and established companies upgrade their org’s operating system by combining best practices from the world of OKRs, Flow, Agility, and Product, without falling into the trap of Process Theater.

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