
Punctuated Equilibriums, Containers, all things Complexity and how Kanban fits in

The Kanban for Simple problems Myth Depending on who you listen to, you might get the idea that a Kanban system might be great for simple problems, or even complicated ones, but when the going gets tough and a complex problem needs to be solved, you need something like Scrum (See Ken Schwaber’s post, and …

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Book Report – Developing Products in Half the Time: New Rules, New Tools by Reinertsen and Smith

Getting books to Done Done I have an early new year resolution. It is to get some more value from books I’ve been reading. I have this habit of enjoying a book, getting to DONE (Finishing it…) but not getting to DONE DONE (Generating explicit takeaways that might affect the way I do things out …

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Israeli Culture and the Evolutionary Revolution

Revolution outside Evolution inside may be just what the doctor ordered for the impatient Israeli change leader.

Exception Daily/Board

Background Energizing a kanban system has been an area I’ve been thinking of lately ( see my lkbe11 talk). One of the key areas of focus is how to expedite handling of exceptions to flow. What are those exceptions? Blocked items as well as “struggling” items that are not making the progress you expected. Identifying …

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Linking Team Modes to RightShifting

What is Rightshifting? When I looked at the program for Lean Kanban Benelux 2011 I found a couple of sessions talking about something I wasn’t familiar with – RightShifting. Since I had to speak at the same time, I didn’t have a chance to go check it out. Come Lean Kanban Central Europe 2011 I saw another …

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How to use Kanban to help improve your recruiting process

Background I recently had the opportunity to talk with a couple of HR managers who were interested in how agile can help the HR department become more effective. This was a context where the product development is well into their agile journey, and we are talking about a group of about 20-30 people providing HR …

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Lean/Kanban approach to Teams

To Team or not to Team? If you look at the definition of Kanban or Lean, you wouldn’t find teams anywhere there. If you look at the Agile Manifesto, you can find “The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams” Scrum is quite clear about the topic (Quoting the Scrum Guide 2011) “Scrum …

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My Large Scale Kanban talk at Lean Kanban Central Europe 2011 Conference

Here is my talk, together with a great visualization provided by the conference organizers. My main points were: Classes of service do apply when developing products. Classes of service don’t cover cases when you need to give different Treatment to different kinds of work, so I introduce Classes of Treatment for context-specific policies for “how to do …

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Scrum Sprint Commitment Rant

Background Scrum teams often finish sprints out of breath, out of quality, and out of joy. You also see teams that start the sprint full of numbing fear, set a low bar and that low bar becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Add to that Product Owners, Scrum Masters and managers all spending precious time worrying about …

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My thoughts on how Kanban and TOC Critical Chain relate

Background I recently had a short twitter chat with Catherine Swetel and Steven Holt about the relation between TOC Critical Chain and Kanban. This post will try to sum up my thoughts in a way that is a little bit more persistent, as well as add a bit more color and depth that is not …

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