Test Case Management progress – TD?

About 8 months ago we chose TD (TestDirector) for Test Case Management as we needed to employ something fast and the Director of QA I brought in had experience with it, while the open source tools we looked at didn’t convince us at that point, and seemed a risk we didn’t want to take, considering the other work necessary in other QA areas at the time.

NOTE: I wonder how much money Mercury made just from people in this situation…
Anyhow we are now documenting test cases and managing testing progress with the tool, with moderate satisfaction. The lack of integration to our issue tracker (both Bugzilla and JIRA) is a concern, as well as the high admission price per user, and the feeling that we are working with a glorified MSAccess inside a web browser (I wonder why…).

Lack of support for Linux machines, Firefox, and in general the fact that Mercury (sorry, HP now… http://www.mercury.com/us/company/pr/press-releases/072506-hp-acquires-mercury.html) is evidently considering itself more of an IT Governance / BTO company, and outgrew its QA roots, doesn’t make this move seem very strategic.

I’m not saying TD is bad, its just not the right solution for small dynamic groups, which want to integrate new solutions when they solve business problems, and where much of the environment is open-source or small vendors, not the gorillas of the Enterprise Tools segment.

We made a tactical move knowingly, but there might be room for change, as we are not fully invested in the tool at this point.

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