
Starting with Managers Kanban (also called Product Stream Representative Kanban)

The short version Based on experience helping organizations go agile in the last few years, an emerging attractor for healthier more sustainable results seems to be the “Starting with Managers” pattern. This is a “training wheels” pattern which seeks fastest learning of the managers in the organization what going towards an agile flow feels like …

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Using card types and filters as “Virtual Horizontal Swimming Lanes” on a Kanban Board

After a serious break from Kanban Mechanics posts, here is one for you Kanban System Designers/Practitioners out there… I’ve recently become a fan of the “Virtual Horizontal Swimming Lanes” style of Electronic Kanban Boards. These Boards don’t use physical horizontal lanes but instead use dynamic and easy filtering to show virtual lanes. Specifically I helped …

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The Scrum Sprint Commitment/Forecast as an Expectation

Disclaimer –  I’m a well-known Scrum Sprint Commitment basher. But in the last few weeks especially while processing the Lean Conference Boston Keynote by Steven Spear I have a fresh perspective I wanted to share. There is no improvement without learning One of Spear’s key points was that there is no improvement without learning. There is …

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Do we need stack ranking in a kanban system?

I want to talk about a kanban system design issue today. Do we need a way to portray full stack ranking of cards throughout a kanban system or is it enough to see stack ranking per lane ? To elaborate – sometimes it feels necessary to convey the priority of cards and have a way …

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Impressions from Lean Systems and Software Conference 2012 Boston

As I prepare to check out from the Boston Seaport Hotel which was the venue of this year’s LSSC conference (and did a magnificent job hosting us!), here are my highlights/impressions of the conference. The buzzword of the conference seems to have been “Lean Startup”. It permeated into many talks (including mine) in two main …

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Do we need Scrum to get to Kanban???

I just wrote a lengthy reply on a kanbandev thread about Using Scrum to implement Kanban and vice versa and thought I would share it here, especially so I can tweet it directly and try to spark a discussion about it in Scrum Gathering Atlanta (where I’m currently at…) I engaged the conversation when Danko said: …

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Guest Post – Is starting with Kanban really easier than with Scrum?

Today I’m proud to host a guest post by another AgileSparks coach – Yael Rabinovitz. Yael has been working with several clients on Scrum implementations and has recently started using the Kanban Method (I wonder who gave her that crazy idea…) and is sharing her thoughts about the first steps into both approaches. Without further …

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So what IS Scrumban?

Background 3 years ago in Agile Israel 2009 I talked about ScrumBan. The slideshare presentation has been one of most popular ones, and remarkably enough it is the second hit on google when searching for ScrumBan. Go figure… Anyhow from time to time people ask me where they can go look up what Scrumban is …

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Where is the “Customer Development” aspect of the Lean Startup for Change approach?

I recently wrote about finding the Minimum Viable Change and have been thinking about it some more, especially while working on my presentation for upcoming Scrum Gathering Atlanta and Lean Systems and Software Conference in Boston. While trying to think what I’m going to say about Minimum Viable Change (MVC) I began to think about how …

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Kanban Method – Finding the Minimally Viable Change

A perfect storm is brewing: Jeff Anderson has been talking about the connection between Kanban and LeanStartup A discussion about Kanban Training Materials with Mike Burrows has nudged me to give more emphasis to the foundational principles and core practices. I’ve been pitching a lot of Lean Startup stuff myself to Product Owners and clients …

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