
Upcoming conferences I’m speaking at – Fall 2014

I’ve been very busy the last few months working with clients and the next months don’t look any better (Not complaining though…). As a result I need to choose very carefully which conferences to attend. As usual, I only go to conferences I’m speaking at. But this year I went even further and dramatically limited …

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Making Agile Teams work in real life – The quest for Stable Feature Teams?

Context This post is inspired by ongoing discussions in the AgileSparks team based on our experience trying to help organizations make agile teams work in real life. It is heavily inspired or can even be called a revision of a post from a couple of years ago on the Lean/Kanban approach to teams. If you …

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Time for feedback – Blog Readers Survey 2014

Amazingly enough, it has been 9 years since I started blogging, and about 5 years since I started blogging as an agile coach at AgileSparks. I think it is about time to hear what the readers think works well on this blog, what can be improved, and how useful it is to them. Retrospective, Inspect …

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Agile Journey Map (AgileSparks Way) – The non-Mercator version…

      I was just starting to listen to Senge’s Dance of Change where he talks about the Mercator map (I can’t comment on the context since I context-switched to thinking about what I’m writing here about… :-) and was thinking that our agile journey map (What we fondly call “The AgileSparks Way”) is kind …

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How to “restart” your Improvement Journey – A facilitation guide

Previously on “The Agile Journey”… So some time ago – maybe months or years – you decided to go for Lean/Agile. You went ahead and started to use Scrum/Kanban to break the waterfall and achieve a more agile operation. These were exciting times. First, that time of making sure you understand what you are trying …

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