Leaner Portfolio Management - Product-oriented Portfolio Agility

Mastering Organizational Traction Or Portfolio Agility?

Should you focus on mastering organizational traction or on establishing portfolio agility? Let me tell you a secret: In my experience, mastering organization traction involves realizing you have a portfolio of investments you’re managing. So actually the paths converge… The difference is that mastering organizational traction extends beyond the IT/Product world. It intercepts business initiatives …

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How To Choose An Owner For a Cross-Organization Initiative

Reader Kevin had this question about Cross-Product Initiative Ownership:​“How should we choose an Initiative (or Epic) Owner when multiple parts of the organization will be responsible for delivery?” That is a good question that often comes up in the trenches when I’m helping organizations apply product-oriented agile thinking to cross-organization initiatives. Here’s how I think about …

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How To Shift from Project to Product at the Portfolio level – A Scrum.org Community Q&A Podcast

A major focus for me these days is helping Leaders who set out to shift their organizations from a project to a product mindset figure out how to scale product orientation to a multi-product environment. They want to apply product thinking to their strategic initiatives that cut across products and beyond the product organization. This …

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How Can We Nudge a Product Team To Be More Flexible?

What do you do when a product team’s capabilities aren’t aligned with strategic priorities? This is a common challenge for product/portfolio leaders. On the one hand – a product-oriented operating model talks about empowered, stable product teams. On the other hand – we want to focus on maximizing outcomes. What if a product is good …

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Pushing The Boundaries of a Product Portfolio

“We have to have this product capability – it’s a key element of this business initiative we already committed to.” The essence of the Product Operating Model is to empower product teams to achieve outcomes without prescribing to them what outputs to deliver. I often encounter organizations who adopt a Product Operating Model as an …

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When and How To Organize Your Agile Release Trains (ARTs)

The idea of bringing dependent teams together to collaborate better and minimize cross-dependency overhead isn’t unique to SAFe. It’s just a fractal of the pattern of an agile cross-functional team, which Agile hasn’t invented either, just leveraged. Here’s how you might go about designing effective ARTs: There will still be dependencies. Sometimes, even a lot. …

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From Blueprints To Trail Maps

When implementing agile portfolio management, leaders’ first—and often most daunting—question is: “Where do we start?” I’ve taught my share of frameworks. In some cases, a comprehensive blueprint or roadmap makes sense. They feel safer to people from traditional project/program management – who ARE often the exact people leading the move towards agile ways of working, …

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Cross-Product Initiative Ownership

Many organizations tackling cross-product initiatives struggle with initiative ownership. At its heart, a cross-product initiative involves significant impact across multiple products/groups (sometimes called a portfolio) As organizations scale up, they get to the point where they need to tackle cross-product/cross-organization initiatives. These are often significant, complex endeavors aimed at solving an expensive problem or opening …

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What’s The Right Timing For Portfolio Agility?

Most organizations wait way too long to adopt some portfolio-level agility practices.  They’ve been told, “You can’t scale what’s broken,” so they wait until they nail agile at the team and product group level.  What if fixing what’s broken REQUIRES focusing on the upstream that’s shaping the work and context of these teams?   Back in …

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Product-Oriented Portfolio Leader

What does Product Oriented Portfolio Leadership Look like? These leaders … Does this look familiar? Honestly, You could come up with this list yourself. All I did was think through what it would look like to apply the Agility Principles for Portfolio Leaders. But I think its a nice example of the power of starting …

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Scaling w/ Agility Insights For Leaders

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Need agility but dubious of process BS/dogma?

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