
QA Effort Effectiveness

How do you know your QA effort is being effective ? Based on the different stakeholders which require input from the QA a typical answer might be that Product quality is high when released to customers. Assuming that is indeed more or less what someone expects (I’d say effective QA needs to answer to some …

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Severity and Priority – The Debate

There are a couple of alternatives for managing severity and priority in the Issue Tracker.Although there are many resources out there on this subject (see http://del.icio.us/yyeret/priority_severity) I’ll try to consolidate them and provide my 2c on the matter, as I think its an important subject. Single-field PriorityFirst, seemingly simpler alternative, is Single-field priority – representing …

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QA/DEV Protocols – Opening high quality bugs

In another post in the series about QA/DEV protocols, I’ll talk about opening high quality bugs, why its important, what are the forces operating on each side of the trench here, and try to describe an approach that might improve the state of affairs a bit. First – a definition. What is a high quality …

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