LeanSSC/Kanban US conference 2011 – #LSSC11 – Are you coming?

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The Lean Software and Systems Consortium US-based community conference will be May 3-6 next year, in Long Beach California. I'll be there, talking about  "Using Kanban and CFD to effectively manage Agile Testing"

For some initial ideas in that area you can checkout earlier blog posts as well as  http://www.slideshare.net/yyeret/using-kanban-and-cfd-to-effectively-manage-agile-testing

The Lean Software and Systems Conference is the Kanban conference for North and South America in 2011. This is where the community gathers and is where you will get the first chance to see and hear the best new material.


Are you also interested in presenting a case? The Call for Papers and Registration are now open. The CfP Deadline is Dec 19th and will not be extended.

Use #LSSC11 to join the twitter before, during and after the conference!
Hope to see you there!