
The Two Word Check-in – Minimally Viable Daily Meeting

What a difference through just two words. Two Words Check-in. I used it as a warm-up in a leadership session for a Boston-based BioTech. They liked it so much that they started using it as common practice. They started using it in their weekly Review/Retrospective/Planning sessions (Yes, they were using Scrum to develop the company; …

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To Async or Not to Async

So you identified a meeting people won’t miss one bit in your organization. Let’s say it’s a daily check-in. Standup. Scrum. The name doesn’t change the fact that this is an often-mentioned issue people have with approaches such as Scrum, EOS, Scaling-up, SAFe. Want to improve this event? You can try increasing focus via visualization. …

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Agile Marketing – Gateway to Wider Agility

Agile marketing helps marketing organizations develop better campaigns faster. It helps marketers find sustainable pace and flow in the hectic marketing world by leveraging Scrum and Kanban. Team members act as “Mini CMOs” – thinking cross-functionally and are empowered to deliver results. BUT When there’s a problem or opportunity requiring collaboration with other functions… Agile …

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Product Revisited

I’m starting to wonder whether the current focus on Product Operating Models is a distraction from the real opportunity of applying Product Thinking. The whole conversation is about empowered product teams. There’s minimal conversation about what’s the product. Models inspired by Silicon Valley Big Tech companies focus on tech-heavy products. But what if the product …

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Shaping Agility

Shaping Agility

Applying Lean and Agile techniques at scale to bring about effective, sustainable improvement in Culture, Execution and Business Results.

Developing Meetings People Will Be Disappointed To Miss

“How disappointed will you be if we won’t have this standing meeting anymore?” Let’s be honest – do any of you expect to see a “very disappointed” answer from the meeting participants? (If you do – let me know! I want to know your secret!) If there’s anything competing with Agile in terms of how …

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Continuously Deploying Points of View

These are interesting times. If you’re an agile practitioner (like me) you’re navigating a lot of uncertainty.  What’s the right language?  “Should I talk about Agile? Avoid it? Take a contrarian view of it?” “Is Agility better than Agile? Worse?” “Should I talk about SAFe? Scrum? or better to talk about Product?” Agilists are struggling …

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Continuous Deployment – Vanity or Transformational Capability?

It often feels like Continuous Deployment has become a bragging right for a technology organization. “We can deploy 13593 times a day.” “A developer can deploy the product on their first day at work.” “Our pets can deploy to production.” Even more often, I encounter organizations that don’t understand the intent behind being able to …

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Scaling Your Product Org w/ Product Operations

Something clicked for me over the last couple of weeks as I’ve been sharing my reflections on what I’m seeing in the trenches when it comes to the journey towards Product Organizations and Product Operating Models. As a reminder, The vision of the Product-oriented organization is to have product teams: This is a great north …

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Developing your Product-oriented Portfolio Using a Product-oriented Approach

Three members of a PMO are asked what they are doing: Since we’re talking about a Product-oriented Portfolio, it makes sense to treat developing it as a Product Initiative. Making sure we’re focused on outcomes, rather than checkboxes.  We might use patterns and frameworks (such as a Kanban Board, OKRs, and Portfolio Reviews), but we …

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Scaling w/ Agility Insights For Leaders

Are You Struggling to Scale Your Organization?
Need agility but dubious of process BS/dogma?

I can help you think through scaling challenges and develop/grow organizations using product and agility principles and practices.

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