
Organizational Traction w/ an OKRs Kanban

What gets measured gets managed. But setting OKRs isn’t enough. The flow and traction of OKRs need to be managed as well – otherwise, you’ll find yourself in the OKR swamp. Using an OKR Kanban can help you both see the swamp and improve the flow and traction of OKRs. Here’s an example – Here …

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Working towards Sustainable Pace in Scrum, SAFe and Kanban

Aiming towards Sustainable Pace “Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely.” — The Agile Manifesto Principle “programmers or software developers should not work more than 40 hour weeks, and if there is overtime one week, that the next week should not include more overtime.” — Extreme Programming …

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Scaling Scrum with Nexus and Kanban

Everybody wants to Scale Scrum So you have a couple of Scrum Teams that are working in adjacent areas and you’re starting to face some challenges in delivering value in a coordinated integrative way. This is more or less the time you started searching for “scaling agile” “scaling scrum” and exploring your options. Generally, one approach …

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Agile for Humans Episode 108 – Professional Scrum with Kanban Interview

Yuval Yeret joined Ryan Ripley  to discuss scrum and kanban sitting in a tree…along with the new Professional Scrum with Kanban course from Scrum.org In this episode you’ll discover:

Improving your SAFe™ Implementation with some additional Flow metrics

The Premise A year ago Scrum.org, in collaboration with Daniel Vacanti and myself, published the Kanban Guide For Scrum Teams, a guide that is aimed at helping Scrum Teams take advantage of Kanban/Flow principles and practices. (I wrote an earlier blog post about understanding the guide) SAFe™ has included Kanban at all levels since version …

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Limiting Work in Progress (WIP) — some anecdotes worth thinking about when using Kanban with Scrum

Co-Creating and teaching the new Scrum.org Professional Scrum with Kanban class has given me an opportunity to get back to geeking out on WIP limits, flow metrics and all things Kanban. And it’s been fun! One of the key Kanban practices is Limiting Work in Progress. If you want to be pedantic, actually what this …

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4 Key Flow Metrics and how to use them in Scrum’s events

In the Kanban Guide for Scrum Teams and the Professional Scrum with Kanban workshop, we introduce 4 key flow metrics that we believe Scrum teams can use to improve their flow: Work in Progress (WIP) The number of work items started but not finished (according to the Scrum Team’s definition of “Workflow”). Note the difference between …

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Scrum and Kanban — Stronger Together

Over the years I’ve been leading the charge when it comes to creating mashups and hybrids of approaches such as Scrum, Kanban, SAFe, LeSS, whatever. Mashups and hybrids can be very attractive as they can be an excuse for taking what you like from each approach and leaving behind the hard stuff. In mashing up …

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A Kanban for Marketing Board Example

Here is an example of a fairly typical Marketing Kanban board which can be useful for marketing teams that are taking their first steps towards implementing agile marketing in practice using kanban. You can print it out and use it as a source of ideas & inspiration as you evolve your own board. It is …

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Addressing some myths and misconceptions people have when considering Kanban

I frequently get contacted by people who like Kanban in general but are worried that it might not be a good fit for their context. In some cases the concern is legit but in many others it is just a result of basic misunderstanding of Kanban. We need to figure out why this happens so …

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