Product-Oriented Principles and Practices

The Pricing Page for Your Change Product

You’ve seen it before. The pricing page. With the three options. Silver. Gold. Platinum (nobody wants bronze) DIY. DWY. DFY. Starter. Professional. Enterprise What if you tried using “Pricing Options” when selling/marketing internal change? Revolutionary. Evolutionary. Safe. Extreme. Fast. Meeting-heavy. Meeting-less. Invitation-based. Mandatory-change based. Pull. Push. Here’s the thing Multiple pricing options create choice. Choice …

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Using the PMF Survey to gauge Company Fit For Purpose

How would you feel if you could no longer work the way we work here? Sean Ellis, the OG Growth Hacker, came up with the PMF survey question, which has become one of (if not the) established ways to gauge Product Market Fit: If more than 40% of your existing customers answer “Very Disappointed,” you …

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Operations Teams / Value Streams and the Agile PRoduct Operating Model

Product Operating Model and Shared Services / Business Operations Teams

While the Product Operating Model focuses on developing new Products, it has implications and potential benefits for the teams operating the business and supporting these products. (These work in the Operational Value Stream, as defined in SAFe.) Improving the Interface between Product Development and Business Operations The handoff point between development and operations is a common …

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It’s all in the Name

Shifting from projects/solutions to a product/outcomes mindset is hard. And the Names we use for our Epics / Features / Stories make it even harder. Too often than not, those names are a relic of the original ask, which is typically of the “build it and they will come” nature. Even as we work on …

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“Transformed”. Yet still the same. An All Too Familiar Agile Story

Picture BuzzCorp (Many of you won’t have to use too much imagination). They’ve invested significant efforts in developing software and products in an agile manner. They formed agile teams (but a deeper look shows those are the existing component/functional teams using agile methods) They manage Features/Stories in JIRA/ADO (but those are the functional slices that …

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Product Leader works on the Product Org Using Product Approach Sketch

How Product Leaders Can Apply Product Thinking to Their Organization

“PMs work on the 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗱𝘂𝗰𝘁. Product leaders work on the 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗱𝘂𝗰𝘁 𝗼𝗿𝗴.” – Ed Biden Let’s take it one step further. Product Leaders should work on the Product Organization using a Product Approach. Successful Product Leaders I worked with applied their Product chops to working on their Org. They Hypothesize, Experiment, Keep options open, Inspect …

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Applying Agility to Cross Product Initiatives in a Product Operating Model world

Tackling Projects in a Product Operating Model World – Aka Herding Wildcats Down Waterfalls

Projects and initiatives are second-grade citizens in a Product Operating Model world. The organization worked hard to organize around products, creating empowered product teams, each with its product manager/owner focused on a product goal that hopefully aligns with the organization’s larger strategy. At scale, you might have Product Groups and even Product Portfolios, each empowered …

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Advanced Scrum Product Ownership — Riding Dinosaurs

What does Scrum Product Ownership have to do with Dinosaurs? We typically say that Scrum Masters get to herd cats. But Scrum Product Owners actually need to learn how to ride a Dinosaur! With the click-bate established, what does that even mean? I’ve been using a visualization that people find useful for understanding the relationship …

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Explaining MVPs, MVFs, MMFs via the Lean/Agile Requirements Dinosaur

In the last few weeks I’ve been using a new visualization that people find useful for understanding the relationship between the various Lean/Agile requirement containers. Some people call the full model a dinosaur. Others are reminded of the snake who ate an elephant from “The Little Prince”. (I’m sure there is a good connection to …

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Explaining MVPs, MVFs, MMFs via the Lean/Agile Requirements Dinosaur

I’ve been using a visualization that people find useful for understanding the relationship between the various Lean/Agile requirement containers. Some people call the full model a dinosaur. Others are reminded of the snake who ate an elephant from “The Little Prince”. (I’m sure there is a good connection to elephant carpaccio somewhere in here …) The …

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Scaling w/ Agility Insights For Leaders

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