Gillette – Designing and Productizing a New Razor with Scrum

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I partnered with Gillette’s R&D and Commercial leadership to leverage Scrum for designing the Gillette Exfoliating Razor. This initiative included several multi-disciplinary teams involving technical, research, and commercial teams collaborating on one scaled Scrum borrowing patterns from the Nexus framework. Using Scrum to quickly learn and validate on the key leap of faith assumptions (LOFAs) with the technical and commercial communities playing “rugby” rather than the “relay race” contributed significantly to one of Gillette’s most successful product launches under very aggressive timelines. I continued to advise leaders in Gillette on how to leverage agility for other strategic complex initiatives as well how to go about scaling it more widely. This included standing up a “product operating model” – brand-oriented empowered product ownership and establishing stable brand/product teams. The journey is continuing.

Check out this Video about the Gillette Scrum/Agile Journey

Scrum at Gillette – Launching a New Razor with Scrum