
AgileIL11 is over, what an exciting event! my Slides for Secrets of Flow are available – see below

For those interested in my talk about Secrets of Flow, here it is: [slideshare id=7598563&doc=yuvalyeret-flowforagileil11-yuval-v1-0final-110412053436-phpapp02] see some pictures from the event as well:

Webinar LSSC11: Session 4 – Intro to Lean Product Development Flow

I’ve been asked to deliver a pre-LSSC11 webinar on the topic of Lean Product Development flow. I’m going to introduce an approach to mixing Lean and Agile in order to achieve end to end agility. This is a major focus of my work in the recent 2 years with AgileSparks clients. Register for the Webinar …

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Collaborating with specialized roles using kanban classes of service

  I want to share a solution I came up with together with a team of performance / non-functional testing, working in a product group in a large enterprise. This solution deals with the challenge of bridging the principles of "Those who build the system test it", "Non functional testing is a collaboration role", and …

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