Time for feedback – YuvalYeret.com Blog Readers Survey 2014

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Amazingly enough, it has been 9 years since I started blogging, and about 5 years since I started blogging as an agile coach at AgileSparks. I think it is about time to hear what the readers think works well on this blog, what can be improved, and how useful it is to them. Retrospective, Inspect & Adapt and all. I’ve been looking at analytics all along trying to figure out what topics hit a nerve with the audience, especially when I curated the “Holy Land Kanban” book. But I never ran a readers survey before. Well – here it is. If you are a blog reader I would highly appreciate your input. And the benefit you might get from it is renewed energies to blog/write more…

PS I tried to keep it short, so it shouldn’t take you more than 5 minutes.

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