
Scrum Sprint Commitment Rant

Going on a Rant If there’s one thing that makes me mad whenever I see it is teams abusing the commitment concept in scrum. I’ve been on a rampage against dysfunctional sprint commitments for a while now, but lately my thoughts have crystalized a bit, especially when I had a chance to discuss this with …

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MMF driven sprints in a Kanban world

The more experience I get with Kanban, and the more I talk about it with people, I see that one of the main challenges is maintaining some form of goal-driven cadence that energizes the team.  If every one of your Kanban Cards/Stories is an independent goal (e.g. a support environment) its easy to connect to …

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Lately I’ve been trying to understand how best to represent Known Unknowns (KU) stories/tasks in the BDC. I’m talking about things like Support cases from customers – things not related to stories from the backlog essentially, that you know you will need to address. I’m wondering how the burndown chart should reflect those.