
The Agile Lowest Common Denominator – Avoiding a slowdown due to the weakest link

One of the concerns often raised when people hear about kanban is that the weakest/slowest link will slow down the whole chain. For example if testing is a bottleneck what will happen is that the whole chain will accommodate its pace. Similarly in scrum a team that actually does realistic planning will commit to a …

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Want to experience agile in an accelerated form and focus on innovation at the same time? Try an agile FedEx day!

A while ago I wrote about Slack and FedEx Day and why I think its important to have slack in the system, and why a FedEx Day is a good way to to run an innovation day. A few days ago we had the first inaugural AgileSparks FedEx Day. Since we are, after all, a …

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What do I need to know to start being a Product Owner?

  What is the basic role of the Product Owner? (New) Starting with user stories: User stories are the most common way to handle requirements in the agile world. One of the first things you’ll need to do as a product owner is familiarize yourself with them, and start to provide them to …

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LeanSSC/Kanban US conference 2011 – #LSSC11 – Are you coming?

  The Lean Software and Systems Consortium US-based community conference will be May 3-6 next year, in Long Beach California. I'll be there, talking about  "Using Kanban and CFD to effectively manage Agile Testing" For some initial ideas in that area you can checkout earlier blog posts as well as The Lean Software and Systems Conference is the Kanban conference …

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Collaborating with specialized roles using kanban classes of service

  I want to share a solution I came up with together with a team of performance / non-functional testing, working in a product group in a large enterprise. This solution deals with the challenge of bridging the principles of "Those who build the system test it", "Non functional testing is a collaboration role", and …

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