
Experiences for a Kanban trainer in a Scrum Gathering

Stranger in a strange land This week I attended and spoke at Scrum Gathering Atlanta It was a mixed experience for me. On the one hand it was interesting to see the focus of the Scrum crowd on the other hand it was a bit hard for me to find content to connect to and …

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Do we need Scrum to get to Kanban???

I just wrote a lengthy reply on a kanbandev thread about Using Scrum to implement Kanban and vice versa and thought I would share it here, especially so I can tweet it directly and try to spark a discussion about it in Scrum Gathering Atlanta (where I’m currently at…) I engaged the conversation when Danko said: …

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Guest Post – Is starting with Kanban really easier than with Scrum?

Today I’m proud to host a guest post by another AgileSparks coach – Yael Rabinovitz. Yael has been working with several clients on Scrum implementations and has recently started using the Kanban Method (I wonder who gave her that crazy idea…) and is sharing her thoughts about the first steps into both approaches. Without further …

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So what IS Scrumban?

Background 3 years ago in Agile Israel 2009 I talked about ScrumBan. The slideshare presentation has been one of most popular ones, and remarkably enough it is the second hit on google when searching for ScrumBan. Go figure… Anyhow from time to time people ask me where they can go look up what Scrumban is …

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Where is the “Customer Development” aspect of the Lean Startup for Change approach?

I recently wrote about finding the Minimum Viable Change and have been thinking about it some more, especially while working on my presentation for upcoming Scrum Gathering Atlanta and Lean Systems and Software Conference in Boston. While trying to think what I’m going to say about Minimum Viable Change (MVC) I began to think about how …

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