
The Toyota Kata – Book Review and Thoughts

Followers of the blog might recall an early new year resolution to get more value from I read. Well the new year is with us, but this post is about returning debt from 2011. Toyota Kata is MY 2011 book of the year. It started me on a lot of thinking streaks and opened a …

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LKCE11 Pecha Kucha – Change Program Stall Avoidance 101 Policies Kanban – Now with video…

Change Program Stall Avoidance 101 & Policies Kanban View more presentations from Yuval Yeret

My favorite Excel-based Agile Backlog Templates

(September 2015 update – This is actually quite outdated. Most people actually use an agile lifecycle management tool when they move on from post its… so I haven’t recently looked at any of those templates or others that might be out there… Just thought it would be fair to say that considering this is the most popular blog post on the site…)

People frequently ask me for simple Excel-based templates they can start with. Here is the list of references I provide them with. (From now on I can have a single pointer, how convenient…)

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Punctuated Equilibriums, Containers, all things Complexity and how Kanban fits in

The Kanban for Simple problems Myth Depending on who you listen to, you might get the idea that a Kanban system might be great for simple problems, or even complicated ones, but when the going gets tough and a complex problem needs to be solved, you need something like Scrum (See Ken Schwaber’s post, and …

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Book Report – Developing Products in Half the Time: New Rules, New Tools by Reinertsen and Smith

Getting books to Done Done I have an early new year resolution. It is to get some more value from books I’ve been reading. I have this habit of enjoying a book, getting to DONE (Finishing it…) but not getting to DONE DONE (Generating explicit takeaways that might affect the way I do things out …

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