
agileblog 06/04/2009

InfoQ: Pulling Power: A New Software Lifespan tags: lean, design, agile, agileblog how Kanban metaphor from Lean manufacturing and the Feature Injection template play into Behaviour Driven Development, working together to help us identify the most important software, reduce unnecessary artifacts at each stage of development, and produce the minimum necessary to achieve a vision …

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agileblog 06/03/2009

great Kanban Parable tags: kanban, parable, agileblog Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

agileblog 06/02/2009

Its hard to embrace change…

A key theme in Agile is embracing change. We hear time and again that change is good, we should “welcome change”, yada yada yada. Most teams I see are sick of change. On one hand they are not fully exposed to the business case for change, to the sense of urgency around changing fast. On …

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agileblog 06/01/2009

kanban-for-software-engineering-apr-242.pdf (application/pdf Object) Comprehensive write-up of Lean+Kanban. Heavy but worth reading tags: agileblog, lean, kanban Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.