agile testing

Why Agile Testing

Background I recently had a couple of weeks with a few activities related to “Agile Testing”. “Agile Testing” for those not familiar with it is the name we give to the set of thinking guidelines, principles and practices that help run the testing aspects of product development/maintenance in a more effective way under an Agile …

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Lean/Agile Testing

I've been a bit quiet lately on the blog front (as well as twitter for those who are following) Mainly I've been busy preparing an Agilesparks Agile Testing training with Ronen Bar Nahor. While a lot of work, it has been a great experience. We tried to take some of the Lean/Kanban work we've been …

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So what is the right ratio between developers and testers?

One of the questions I’m asked quite frequently is what is the right ratio between developers and testers. A variant on that question is what I typically see in other organizations as the ratio. Well lets answer the second variant and then try to deal with the first. Typically what we see in agilesparks customers …

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