
Recent Reading Lists

(UPDATE: This post is quite deprecated now. For up-2-date reading lists go to the AgileSparks Per-Topic Reading Lists) I’ve recently gone into Seal/Whale mode and didn’t have too much time to blog.  Sorry for that… To make the wait for new content easier, I’m sharing a couple of reading lists that I curated recently for use in …

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What do I need to know to start being a Product Owner?

  What is the basic role of the Product Owner? (New) Starting with user stories: User stories are the most common way to handle requirements in the agile world. One of the first things you’ll need to do as a product owner is familiarize yourself with them, and start to provide them to …

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You’ve been asked to do/be X? Here is my recommended reading list

I'm frequently asked "What do I need to learn in order to start being/doing X effectively?" In addition, when I go into organizations and want to drive an effective transition, I want to give the people in the organization some background material and reference materials, that can accompany training and coaching activities I'm doing. I …

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