Recent Reading Lists

(UPDATE: This post is quite deprecated now. For up-2-date reading lists go to the AgileSparks Per-Topic Reading Lists)

I’ve recently gone into Seal/Whale mode and didn’t have too much time to blog.  Sorry for that… To make the wait for new content easier, I’m sharing a couple of reading lists that I curated recently for use in client work. People often ask me for reading materials to help prepare for workshops/sessions so I decided to create a couple of bundles to serve as reading lists. – As the name says, this is recommended reading for our AgileSparks Management Workshops (The approach we use to help organizations choose how to start their Lean/Agile journey) – An initial reading list about Kanban (used to introduce AgileSparks clients to Kanban in preparation for an engagement) – Advanced Kanban Reading/Watching Materials – ScrumBan  – collection of resources about the mashup of Scrum and Kanban (as requested by a client of mine recently)

And finally, for my hebrew-speaking audience –, which as the link hints is material about Kanban in hebrew.

And from the archives – What do I need to read to become a product owner (I’m also working on one specifically around story slicing/splitting – see a preview at

Happy holidays and new year everyone, hope to be back with some fresh material in 2013…

PS let me know if there is a key resource you are missing in one of those reading lists, or a key list that I’m the right guy to curate…