My slides from Lean Kanban Benelux 2011 – Commitments and Energies in a Kanban system

I’m currently at LKBE11 enjoying the great lineup of speakers and great atmosphere.
As for my part, I’m 50% done…

Below is my Prezi for Commitments and Energies in a Kanban/Pull system.
I’ll share tomorrow’s prezi tomorrow once I finish some last responsible moment tweaks based on things I heard today and want to emphasize / relate to.

Enjoy and let me know what you think.

1 thought on “My slides from Lean Kanban Benelux 2011 – Commitments and Energies in a Kanban system”

  1. I love the use of Prezi. A nice escape from the Powerpoint madness we’re usually faced with. Prezi can be a little distracting at times, but I think you kept it pretty clean. I like to move from left to right after moving in and out, just to avoid flying over too many images that aren’t relevant, unless there’s a logical reason to go back, like reemphasizing a previous point.

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