Highlight slides from the Agilesparks Kanban for Managers Workshop

Last week I ran another round of our Kanban for Managers workshop. 

So far, I'm excited about the feedback I read and hear. I think Kanban is making sense to people, and any role we as consultants can play in this is great. 

Several people want to present what they learned to their peers/management, and asked for some slides. 

I think any effective training should have a "call to action" kit you leave with. 

Slides are a good start, and I'm providing them both to participants of the session as well as to anyone who is interested or considering taking an Agilesparks Kanban training. 

I'm also thinking about other takeaways – Cheat-sheets, Posters, etc. Any other ideas of things you would like to get once you take an Agilesparks training? 

Another question – How much reading are you willing to do to come better prepared to a training day? Article? Book? Homework exercise? 

[slideshare id=6239174&doc=kanbanhighlights-101219082020-phpapp01]