
AgileIL11 is over, what an exciting event! my Slides for Secrets of Flow are available – see below

For those interested in my talk about Secrets of Flow, here it is: [slideshare id=7598563&doc=yuvalyeret-flowforagileil11-yuval-v1-0final-110412053436-phpapp02] see some pictures from the event as well:

I’m a nominee for the Lean Software and Systems 2011 Brickell Key Award!

Lean Software and Systems – 2011 Brickell Key Award Nominees. I’m so humbled by it and by the great cadre of nominees I’m considered with, don’t have much to say … Just that I hope this will help increase visibility of what we are doing around Kanban and Flow here in Israel and in AgileSparks. …

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YouTube – Agile Israel 2011 – Introducing my session on Flow Techniques for Scaling Agility

Interested in what the hell is this flow I’m going to talk about in Agile Israel 2011? Check out this video – in hebrew this time…   Secure online registration is now open, and readers of the blog can take advantage of 10 speaker discount coupons I got. use yycom0001 to get the discount. If you use …

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Webinar LSSC11: Session 4 – Intro to Lean Product Development Flow

I’ve been asked to deliver a pre-LSSC11 webinar on the topic of Lean Product Development flow. I’m going to introduce an approach to mixing Lean and Agile in order to achieve end to end agility. This is a major focus of my work in the recent 2 years with AgileSparks clients. Register for the Webinar …

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Top 10 reasons NOT to go to Agile Israel 2011

If you don’t want to get useful agile tips and recommendations from Henrik Kniberg who authored Scrum and XP from the trenches, stay home. If you are afraid of being exposed to bleeding edge thinking on management and leadership by Jurgen Appello author of Management 3.0, stay home If you like being in the dark, don’t come to …

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