
Highlight slides from the Agilesparks Kanban for Managers Workshop

Last week I ran another round of our Kanban for Managers workshop.  So far, I'm excited about the feedback I read and hear. I think Kanban is making sense to people, and any role we as consultants can play in this is great.  Several people want to present what they learned to their peers/management, and …

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LeanSSC/Kanban US conference 2011 – #LSSC11 – Are you coming?

  The Lean Software and Systems Consortium US-based community conference will be May 3-6 next year, in Long Beach California. I'll be there, talking about  "Using Kanban and CFD to effectively manage Agile Testing" For some initial ideas in that area you can checkout earlier blog posts as well as The Lean Software and Systems Conference is the Kanban conference …

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Collaborating with specialized roles using kanban classes of service

  I want to share a solution I came up with together with a team of performance / non-functional testing, working in a product group in a large enterprise. This solution deals with the challenge of bridging the principles of "Those who build the system test it", "Non functional testing is a collaboration role", and …

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How to use kanban and lean concepts to effectively manage agile testing end to end

  I recently have been working on an agile testing training. Why is it relevant here? Because one of the modules I'm most fond of (not surprisingly) introduces kanban and CFD as a way to deal with some common problems that occur around testing once you start to work feature-driven (agile).  [slideshare id=5814742&doc=usingkanbanandcfdtoeffectivelymanageagiletesting-101117144040-phpapp01]   Any …

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Lean/Agile Testing

I've been a bit quiet lately on the blog front (as well as twitter for those who are following) Mainly I've been busy preparing an Agilesparks Agile Testing training with Ronen Bar Nahor. While a lot of work, it has been a great experience. We tried to take some of the Lean/Kanban work we've been …

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