
What the other guys brought into the party…

As I mentioned earlier, before we were able to finalize our new development environment we were gobbled up (acquired) by another company, about 4 times the size of our group. In the area of issue tracking, the bigger company was using TestDirector, with some customizations, but actually their processes were quite simplistic, and weren’t enabling …

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Test Automation!

At some point we understood we must have a robust test automation harness which can at least cover our smoke test and regression. This will help us feel more confident in our releases in less time, and allow meeting the business needs. As we are an appliance based file-system product, in essence an IT infrastructure …

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Test Case Management progress – TD?

About 8 months ago we chose TD (TestDirector) for Test Case Management as we needed to employ something fast and the Director of QA I brought in had experience with it, while the open source tools we looked at didn’t convince us at that point, and seemed a risk we didn’t want to take, considering …

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JIRA Progress – an easy decision…

Sometime before the acquisition, we decided on JIRA as the issue tracker and started evaluating it, including history migration, a bit of customization, and trying to understand what processes need to be in place in order to be effective and deal with the complexities we were seeing regarding real world software development and maintenance.This was …

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Update on many fronts… JIRA, Aqua, org changes and the like…

Long time no post. I’ll try to recap where I stand regarding the issues I started talking about a year ago, at least for a bit of closure regarding the issue tracking and test case management areas.Lets see if I can keep it up this time… In any case, my company was gobbled up by …

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